- 禽肉不是传统的早午餐的一部分。Fowl is not part of a traditional brunch.
- 我们星期日的早午餐吃了硬面包圈。We had a Sunday brunch of bagels.
- 早午餐brunch
- 确定提前的日期为事件或文书确定的早于实际发生的日期A date given to an event or a document that is earlier than the actual date.
- 王子是国王的儿子。A prince is the son of a king.
- 以一顿非正式的早午餐做为三天会议的开端An informal brunch served as a preface to the three-day conference.
- 国王的贵族随员the King's retinue of noble lords
- 午餐luncheon
- 这间书房的装饰品中,有几张国王乔治六世同蒙哥马利的合影,上有国王的签名。Among the decorations in this study were several signed snapshots of King George VI together with Montgomery.
- 早上好Good morning.
- 军官们领导了一次反国王的革命。The army officers led a revolution against the king.
- 早点(n) breakfast; light breakfast
- 国王的侍从在旅途上陪伴着他。The king's retinue accompanied him on the journey.
- 最早at the earliest
- 早起rise with the lark
- 国王的服装the king's apparel(l)
- 最早的pioneer
- 早的matutinal
- 这一命令是用国王的印记加封的。The order was sealed with the king's signet.
- 以一顿非正式的早午餐做为三天会议的开端。An informal brunch served as a prefaceto the three - day conference.