- 《国民报》、《星报》等报以"来自中国人的帮助"等标题对天津杂技团的义演进行了专门报道,称中国杂技是"难以想像的艺术"。"The Milliyet and the Star gave special reports on the troupe's charity performance with the headline---Aid from China, praising Chinese acrobatics as "an art beyond imagination"
- 快报flash report
- 报应retribution
- 报文message
- 报关员declarant
- 他了解国民的心态。He knew the pulse of the nation.
- 报业newspapering
- 报检apply for quarantine inspection
- 报时give the correct time
- 报盘offer
- 报人journalist
- 报审report
- 误报distort
- 报备put
- 报分call the score
- 报帐render an account
- 报系syndicate
- 报到处check-in
- 会报transaction
- 报亭newsstand