- 国家馆national pavilions
- 中国国家馆Chinese Pavilion
- 将举行表现参展国民族文化特色,体现世界人民爱好和平,共创美好未来愿望的各国馆日活动。Activities in special days dedicated to each participating nation. The activities held in these days target to demonstrating the national cultural features of participating nations as well as the good wishes of peace-loving people all over the world who promise to build a brighter future.
- 丹麦国家馆Danmark pavilion
- 二、将举行表现参展国民族文化特色,体现世界人民爱好和平,共创美好未来愿望的各国馆日活动。Activities in special days dedicated to each participating nation. The activities held in these days target to demonstrating the national cultural features of participating nations as well as the good wishes of peace-loving people all over the world who promise to build a brighter future.
- 农民和他们的飞碟一起去威尼斯中国国家馆。Several Chinese peasant farmers and their UFO brought to Venice, Italy to take part in the China Pavilion section of the Venice Biennale.
- 馆house
- 日剧Japanese TV play
- 日中Japan-China
- 日的diurnal
- 前日eve
- 日产daily output; current yield
- 这个国家缺少盐。There is a shortage of salt in this country.
- 按日by the day
- 领馆consulate
- 人日man-day
- 海洋馆aquarium
- 日式Japanese
- 日心说hiliocentricism
- 日後sometime