- 食药两用菌edible and medicinal fungi
- 道教服食药与中医食疗Taoism and Chinese food therapy
- 食药同功--药膳的起源与发展Food and medicine have same action--Origin and development of medicated food
- 药medicine
- 食animal feed
- 总局master office
- 日食solar eclipse
- 近岸海域环境功能区划国家环保总局完成近岸海域环境功能区划。Environmental Function Zoning in Offshore Marine Areas State Environmental Protection Administration has completed the environmental function zoning programme of the offshore marine areas.
- 用药use medicine
- 国家环保总局State Environmental Protection Administration
- 药的medicinal
- 这个国家缺少盐。There is a shortage of salt in this country.
- 吃药take the medicine
- 国家体育总局State Physical Culture Administration
- 暴食gluttony
- 暴饮暴食engorgement
- 春药aphrodisiac
- 广电总局General Bureau of Radio, Film and Television
- 无可救药incurable
- 食肉动物carnivore