- 防范和打击印刷业内违法犯罪活动--国务院法制办、国家新闻出版总署负责人答记者问Prevent and Strike the Crime in Printing Industry--The Chief of State Law Affairs Office, China Press and Publication Administration Answer the reporter
- 国家广电总局725台计算机机房空调的改造Transformation of the Air Conditioning of the Computer Rooms in 725 Station of the State Broadcast Television Administration
- 新疆音像出版社是经国家新闻出版总署批准的音像出版单位,成立于一九八四年,隶属新疆广播电影电视局。Xinjiang Audio-video Publishing House is an audio-video publishing house approved by the General Administration of Press and Publication.
- 国家广电总局关于推进试点单位有线电视数字化整体转换的若干意见(试行)Several Suggestions of State Administration of Radio, Film and Television on Promoting CATV Total Digital Transformation in Pilot Units (Trial)
- 国家新闻出版署(国家版权局)State Press and Publication Administration (National Copyright Administration)
- 新闻出版条款the Press Clause
- 国家新闻出版署Press and Publication Administration
- 从现在起,广电总局已批准的8家私营公司不再需要国有合作伙伴,就能独立制作电视剧,且拥有制作节目的版权。From now on,the eight private companies named by Sarft will not have to have a state company partner but will be allowed to make TV series independently and own the copyright on programs produced.
- 新闻出版总署Press and Publications Administration
- 总局master office
- 这个记者正在为国家新闻机构做报道。The journalist was reporting for the state news agency.
- 广电broadcasting and TV
- 中国新闻出版报社China Press and Publication News
- 国家环保总局State Environmental Protection Administration
- 最高苏维埃决定重新接管对国家新闻机构的控制。The Supreme Council resolved to resume control over the national press.
- 新闻出版规制regulation of press and publication industry
- 国家体育总局State Physical Culture Administration
- 美国国家新闻摄影家协会National Press Photographers Association USA