- 国防科学技术工业委员会、对外贸易经济合作部应当自收到国家原子能机构转送的核出口申请表和本条例第七条所列文件及审查意见之日起15个工作日内提出复审意见,并通知申请人。Export of nuclear equipment or non-nuclear materials used for reactors as well as their related technologies shall be forwarded to the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation (MOFTEC) for review, or the Ministry shall jointly review the case with COSTIND.
- 国际原子能机构定于下星期一在维也纳开会讨论伊朗的问题。The I.A.E.A. meets to discuss Iran Monday in Vienna.
- 国家主管部门负责组织实施中国和国际原子能机构缔结的保障协定。The competent government department is responsible for organizing the implementation of the safeguard agreement between China and the IAEA.
- 中国出口的核材料和核设备均提交国际原子能机构保障监督。All exports of nuclear materials and equipment will be subject to IAEA safeguard.
- 国际原子能机构International Atomic Energy Agency
- 使事情更趋复杂的是,理应制止核扩散的国际原子能机构却在事实上为此提供帮助。To make matters more complicated, the IAEA, the organisation that is supposed to halt proliferation, is in fact aiding it.
- 国家的什么机构是自然法的终极保护者呢?What organ of the community is the ultimate guarantor of the law of nature?
- 原子能机构International Atomic Energy Agency
- 到什么程度国家机构才能消灭迷信呢?Up to what point does statecraft permit superstition to be destroyed?
- 欧洲原子能机构EAEA
- 国家/州立法机构the national/state legislature
- 国际原子能机构理事会IAEA Board of governors
- 国家机构的概述The outline of the structure of the state
- 国际原子能机构总干事埃尔巴拉迪透露,德黑兰可能改变了主意。Now, IAEA Director-General Mohamed ElBaradei says Tehran may have changed its mind.
- 伊朗愿意接受国际原子能机构就反应堆所使用的铀浓度的上限。Iran would accept an IAEA verifiable cap on enrichment limit of reactor grade uranium.
- 原子能机构大会IAEA General Conference
- 原子能机构理事会Board of Governments of International
- 国际原子能机构规约Statute of the International atomic Energy Agency
- 另外,俄罗斯敦促伊朗再次停止核活动,与国际原子能机构合作。Russia has urged Iran to resume its moratorium on nuclear activities and to cooperate with the International Atomic Energy Agency.
- 国际原子能机构的法规The statute of the iaea