- 但报名人数过多一度造成国家公务员考试报名系统的瘫痪。But the influx of applicants has already broken the exam's website once.
- 自1995年国家公务员考试推行以来,报考公务员日渐升温,这两年更是热得发烫。The first exam was held in 1995, and since then more and more people have signed up for it, with applications reaching a peak over the last two years.
- 公务员考试的考试类型是省级以上(含副省级)综合治理类,这是什么意思啊?考试都是跟国家公务员一样的试题吗?The exam type that officeholder takes an exam is provincial above (contain deputy provincial) general management kind, what meaning is this? Is the exam the examination questions as national official?
- 公务员考试civil service examination
- 浅论公务员考试制度The Examine System of the Public Official
- 公务员考试组Civil Service Examinations Unit
- 加强行业职业能力培养建立一支高素质的国家公务员队伍Strengthen train of administration occupation ability, set up a troop of civil servants with high stuff
- 这个国家缺少盐。There is a shortage of salt in this country.
- 参加考试的人都觉得这次公务员考试选择题比较难。People who took the exam to become civil servants thought that the multiple-choice test was conparatively difficult.
- 国家公务员在参加基本医疗保险基础上,可享受公务员医疗补助。National official is attending foundation of insurance of primary medical treatment to go up, can enjoy allowance of officeholder medical treatment.
- 完善公务员考试录用制度之我见A View on Perfecting the System of Civil Service Examination
- 李鹏提出,推行公务员制度,要按照《国家公务员暂行条例》依法办事,不能有随意性。Peng Li pointed out that, the implementation of the civil service system must be according to the law of "The provisional regulations of national civil service" and should not be at random.
- 建设统一的公务员考试制度应策探析The Analyze of Establishing Unified Official Test System
- 可靠的国家公务员a trusty servant of the state.
- 科学化:完善公务员考试录用制度的关键The Key to a Perfect System of Civil Service Recruitment through Examination: Scientificity
- 这个国家的驾驶考试很难。The driving test in this country is very difficult.
- 我是国家公务员。I'm a government employee.
- 国家统一考试Unified State Examination
- 我国公务员考试制度从什么时候开始的?System of exam of our country officeholder from what when begin?
- 国家为公务员建立了医疗补助制度。The state has also set up a medical subsidy program for civil servants.