- 此次将评级调高一级,对日本是一个象征性的时刻。各大评级机构在2000年纷纷开始大幅下调日本的主权信用评级,曾令日本尊严扫地。The upgrade, by one notch from AA-minus, is a symbolic moment for Japan, which was humiliated when ratings agencies began aggressively to downgrade its sovereign debt in 2000.
- 日本公社债研究所确定中国进出口银行债券信用等级为AA-,与日本评级机构内部对中国主权信用等级的评级一致。The Commune Bond Research Institute of Japan determined the bond credit rating of Import and Export Bank of China to be AA-, which is consistent with the internal rating given to the Chinese sovereign credit ranking by the Japan Assessment Institution.
- 第一,国家主权不可分割。Firstly, state sovereignty is inseparable.
- 我国企业债券的风险与信用评级的完善Perfection of Risk and Credit Rating for Businesses'Bonds
- 维护民族独立和国家主权safeguard national independence and state sovereignty
- 评级rating number
- 主权sovereignty
- 信用评级credit rating
- 它的目标是实现爱尔兰的重新统一,政治独立和国家主权。Its objectives are the reunification of Ireland, political independence and national sovereignty.
- 我们的国家主权和领土完整绝不容许侵犯。Our state sovereignty and territorial integrity should by no means be impinged on.
- 基于信用评级的商业银行贷款风险定价模型A Credit Risk Pricing Model Based on the Credit Rating System
- 国家主权论2。Study on national sovereignty II.
- 注册会计师事务所也可能要证实主要债务人的信用评级情况。The CPA firm may also verify the credit rating of major debtors.
- 损害国家主权;That it is harmful to national sovereignty;
- 他们能够自动获得一个,而他们的信用评级也不会被调查。They could automatically get one without their credit rating being investigated.
- 信用评级机构credit rating organization
- 绝对国家主权absolute national sovereignty
- 客户信用评级client credit grade
- 企业信用评级corporate credit rating
- 要消灭战争,就必须对国家主权施加一些不是人人喜欢的限制。The abolition of war will demand distasteful limitations of national sovereignty