- 文物cultural relic
- 这可是英国的国宝级单位。Neil: Ok, Jean, this place is a British institution.
- 大熊猫就要绝种了吗?中国正努力抢救最受宠的国宝级动物Nature Is Time Running Out for the Giant Panda? China is working hard to save its most beloved animal
- 文物保护preservation of cultural relics
- 这一位着这位象牙海岸的国宝级人物并没有参加国家队比赛,他直至星期四,还在进行治疗。The problem meant the 29-year-old Ivory Coast talisman did not feature for his country over the international break and, despite describing it as "improving", he was still undergoing treatment on Thursday.
- 历史文物historical relics
- 文物古迹cultural relics and historic sites
- 文物保护单位cultural relics protection unit
- 全国重点文物保护单位key historical sites under state protection
- 文物局cultural relics bureau
- 他们在征集历史文物。They were collecting historical relics.
- 国家文物局State Cultural Relics Bureau
- 数件历史文物被挖掘出来。Some historical relics were unearthed.
- 重点文物保护单位major historical and cultural sites under state protection
- 最近发现的文物属于明朝。The cultural relic discovered lately dates from the Ming Dynasty.
- 文物调查Archaeological Reconnaissance
- 鉴别文物make an appraisal of a cultural relic
- 发掘文物unearth cultural relics
- 文物图书出版Publication of Archaeological Books
- 这些文物是去年出土的。These relics were dug up last year.