- 太阳sun
- 国境frontier
- 太阳的heliacal
- 现在因发现我军,故又折向瓦市以南以西,再向瓦市赶我北上。Having discovered our troops, they are now veering to the south and west of Wayaopao and then they will again advance towards that town to drive us northward.
- 太阳花heronsbill
- 以南on the south; in the south of
- 出入国境管理management of leaving and entering the country
- 以西to the west of
- 太阳伞sun umbrella
- 太阳黑子sunspot
- 根据你方要求,我公司已将你方货物投保至国境为止(包括海关/至目的地)。According to your request, we have insured your shipment to the border( including customs/to the final destination).
- 太阳辐射solar radiation
- 他们买通边防警卫,偷渡国境。The crossed the border by greasing the palms of border guards.
- 太阳升起了The sun came up.
- A城位于宁波以北7公里,杭州以南18公里,绍兴以西40公里处,距上海180公里。"A city is about 7 km north of Ningbo, 18 km south of Hangzhou, 40 km east of Shaoxin, and 180 km from Shanghai."
- 太阳已从地平线升起。The sun has risen above the horizon.
- 太阳低悬在薄雾笼罩的山谷之上。The sun hung low over the misted valley.
- 太阳下山the sun sets; sunset
- 花儿在无情的太阳暴晒下凋谢了。Flowers wilted under the merciless sun.
- 灿烂的太阳照亮草地。The bright sun lit up the meadow.