- 日,美国纽约市长布隆伯格与布什会面,商讨纽约的安全保卫计划New York mayor Michael Bloomberg met Bush with to discuss his city's security plans as city braces for possible attacks.
- 分包商应遵守项目安全保卫计划,锁好所有的工具箱和建筑物,建立内部保安规程,尽量减少失窃以及各种形式的破坏事件发生。The subcontractor shall comply with the Project Security Plan and shall secure all gang boxes and buildings and establish internal procedures to minimize theft and sabotage of any nature.
- 他们计划让母猪约在本月底下仔。They planned to have the gilts farrow down about the end of this month.
- 为保卫国土流最后一滴血!Defend our homeland to the last drop of our blood!
- 他主管该市建房计划。He is in charge of the municipal housing project.
- 这工厂计划明年投入生产。The factory is due to come on stream next year.
- 这个计划很难完成。This plan is difficult of accomplishment.
- 国土安全:共同认知的保卫社会的措施Homeland Security: Common Sense Measures to Safeguard Your Community By Roger L. Kemp
- 我们的假期计划进展顺利。Our vacation plans are shaping well.
- 我们必须保卫国家的利益。We must safeguard our national interests.
- 谁为这一计划提供资金?Who is funding the project?
- 他为保卫祖国不惜牺牲自己的一切。He did not hesitate to sacrifice his all for protecting his motherland.
- 他们将以坚定的决心实现计划。They will carry out their plan with steel determination.
- 计划最终成为泡影。The plan came to naught at last.
- 许多人为了保卫国家而从军了。Many people enlisted for the defense of their country.
- 我们在为住宅计划筹措资金。We are financing for the housing project.
- 国土防空下保卫特殊点目标的作战需求优化Operational Demand Optimization of Defend Special Target Under National Air Defense
- 他们的计划弄巧成拙。Their scheme rebounded.
- 他的父母反对他买摩托车的计划。His parents vetoed his plan to buy a motorcycle.
- 工程正在按计划进行。The project is proceeding as planned.