- 国内货币汇票domestic currency bill
- 进步派系要求建立由政府占有和控制的储备制度和货币供应。The progressive faction demanded a reserve system and currency supply owned and controlled by the government.
- 货币money
- 货币政策一种通过改变国内货币供应量,尤指有节制而平稳地增长货币供应量从而达到调整经济的目标的政策A policy that seeks to regulate an economy by altering the domestic money supply, especially by increasing it in a moderate but steady manner.
- 说,印度的货币供应增长是外部输入的,而不是国内形成的。But Suman Bery, head of the National Council of Applied Economic Research, says India's money supply growth was imported rather than domestically generated.
- 货币政策monetary policy
- 那些产品供应国内市场。Those products are for interior markets.
- 货币供应money supply
- 那些产品供应国内市Those products are for interior markets.
- 货币银行学money and banking
- 我们有各种皮衣供应。We stock all types of fur coats.
- 国际货币international currency
- 货币单位kopek
- 货币资金pecuniary resources
- 负责表板的国内采购业务,建立完备的供应渠道。The incumbent will be responsible for sourcing and setting up supplier base for top layers in China.
- 货币的monetary
- 立足国内 扩大开放 全面保障能源供应与安全Keeping a Foothold at Home and Strengthening Foreign Activities so as to Comprehensively Ensure Energy Supply and Safety
- 货币兑换agiotage
- 货币贬值currency devaluation
- 货币市场money market