- 去年印尼的国内生产毛额成长百分之三点三二。Last year, Indonesia's gross domestic product recorded a growth of 3.32 percent.
- 去年年底微软的股票市价5900亿美元,居然超过了台湾、香港、新加坡、菲律宾四处全年国内生产毛额的总和。The stocks'worth of Microsoft had reached US%24590 billiion by the end of last year,exceeding the year's GDP of Taiwan,Hong Kong,Singapore and the Philippines put together.
- 最受瞩目的经济统计数据,例如国内生产毛额(GDP),并未囊括对资源消耗的计算;基本上,它衡量的是资金流量而非资产和债务的平衡。The most-watched economic statistics, such as gross domestic product (GDP), do not measure resource depletion; they are essentially measures of cash flow rather than balance sheets of assets and liabilities.
- 梅嘉娃蒂说,明年的预算赤字预料将达二十六兆三千亿盾(三十亿美元)或占国内生产毛额的百分之一点三,低于今年预估的赤字百分之二点四二。Megawati said the forecasted budget deficit next year would be 26.3 trillion rupiah (US%243 billion) or 1.3 percent of the gross domestic product, which is lower than the estimated deficit of 2.42 percent this year.
- 你不能将美国的国民生产毛额和发展中国家的国民生产毛额相提并论。You cannot equate the GNP of USA with that of a developing country.
- 安全生产safety in production
- 毛绒hairs
- 保额sum insured
- 间苯二甲酸国内生产分析Domestic Production Analysis of Isophthalic Acid
- 毛刷brush
- 在生产中on stream
- 免赔额franchise
- 毛骨悚然terrifying, hair-raising
- 再生产reproduction
- 毛片pinaculum
- 她额上沁出了汗珠。Perspiration started out on her brow.
- 毛球hair bulb
- 正常生产regular production
- 保险额risk