- 低物价阻碍了国内出口和国外进口。Low prices crimped domestic output and foreign imports.
- 而电子产品占非石油国内出口的七成,制造业的45%。Electronic goods make up about 70%25 of non-oil domestic exports and about 45%25 of manufacturing sector.
- 7月份的数字便显示总贸易额减9.1%,电子产品出口跌5%是非石油国内出口落2.3%、跌得比预期还严重的原因。Although the accuracy of the predicting quality is debatable, the retained import figure does give a relatively good indication of the direction of the manufacturing and electronic activities and as such the Singapore economy.
- 代客办理国内出口商检、保管、订舱,凭在海关、商检的良好信誉,我公司可协助客户办理商检,通关手续,以便货物顺利出运。Handle exporting commodity inspection, storage, booking shipping space for clients, clearing customs. Our company can help clients arrange for the smooth shipment of goods.
- 而电子产品占非石油国内出口的七成,制造业的45%。因此,源自美国的电子产品需求是个重要的指标。It is therefore imperative to note the demand of electronic goods from the US.As Singapore imports much of the raw materials needed for its value-added processes in the manufacturing concerns,the retained import figures become a good gauge of future activities.
- 空调是日本许多出口商品中的一种。Air conditioners are one of the many commodities that Japan sells abroad.
- 这些广播节目国内大部分地区都能听到。These broadcasts will be heard in most parts of the country.
- "出口"两字写在门上。The word "exit" was lettered on the door.
- 这是国内邮资。This is the rate for domestic airmail.
- 进口货物日后出口时将退还其进口关税。A drawback is made on customs duties on imported goods when they are later exported.
- 那些产品供应国内市场。Those products are for interior markets.
- 哪儿是出口?Where is the exit?
- 稳定国内市场to stabilize the civil market
- 这个国家出口大量原油。The country exports lots of crude oil.
- 在国内到处漫游to roam around the country
- 这封信主要是关于出口商品的。The letter is chiefly concerned with export commodities.
- (在)国内采购onshore purchases
- 橡胶是该国主要出口物。Rubber is the country's principal export.
- 再讲讲国内问题吧。Now I should like to turn to domestic issues.
- 禁运对出口总收入有很大的影响。The embargo impacted on export revenues.