- 银行间市场买断式回购交易(按投资者)Buy-sell Repo Settlement Volume In the Inter-bank Market(By Investor type)
- 取消对重复使用外汇基金票据和债券进行回购交易以取得隔夜港元流动资金的限制。Removing the restriction on repeated borrowing in respect of the provision of overnight Hong Kong dollar liquidity through repo transactions using Exchange Fund Bills and Notes.
- 银行间市场质押式回购交易(按投资者)Collateral Repo Settlement Volume In the Inter-bank Market(By Investor type)
- 国债回购government securities repurchase
- 国债回购利率repo rate of national bond
- 国债回购市场the bond buy-back market
- 期货交易timebargain
- 重回return
- 导购shopping guide; guide-purchases
- 证券交易dealing in securities
- 带回lead back
- 各大银行都有国债承购包销的业务。All banks underwrite national debt.
- 回馈repayment
- 请购to request the purchase
- 回事matter
- 拿回carry back
- 购单buying order
- 追回replevy
- 回传passback
- 买回buy back