- 竞争性团体奖励selective group incentive
- 包括制服团体、香港青年奖励计划、青少年临时宿舍、热线服务及感化服务等。Uniformed Group Service, Hong Kong Award For Young persons, Temporary Residential Service, Hotline Service, Probation Service, etc.
- 奖励reward (as encouragement)
- 团体group
- 公务员和工商界人士对奖励计划的反应十分热烈。The scheme received enthusiastic responses from both the Civil Service and the business community.
- 八运会优秀运动员奖励计划VIII National Games Athletes Incentive Award
- 社会团体caste
- 团体的team
- 这项奖励计划目的是鼓励安全驾驶及表扬司机职系同事的优秀驾驶表现。The award was aimed to promote safe driving and to recognize the meritorious driving performance of the driver grades staff.
- 奖励的hortative
- 他们计划让母猪约在本月底下仔。They planned to have the gilts farrow down about the end of this month.
- (排他的)社会团体caste
- 他主管该市建房计划。He is in charge of the municipal housing project.
- 奖励金bounty
- 宗教团体communion
- 这工厂计划明年投入生产。The factory is due to come on stream next year.
- 薪酬模式与奖励计划Pay Patterns and Incentive Program
- 那位领导人很有天赋,能使团体中最持怀疑态度的人都充满热情。The leader had the gift of being able to infuse enthusiasm into the most skeptical member of the group.
- 这个计划很难完成。This plan is difficult of accomplishment.
- 慈善团体charity