- 因战乱而无家可归.made homeless by the fortunes of war
- 在旧中国,由于帝国主义的侵略,封建主义和官僚资本主义的压迫,人民的生命毫无保障,因战乱饥寒而死者不计其数。In old China,aggression by imperialism and oppression by feudalism and bureaucrat-capitalism deprived the people of all guarantee for their lives,and an uncountable number of them perished in war and famine.
- "你如果催他太紧,他可能对工作失去信心而感到沮丧的。""If you push him too hard, he may lose the confidence in his work and feel frustrated."
- (因缺乏实践)质量或标准下降;荒疏Of a poor quality or standard through lack of practice
- (重要而难懂的)专门术语buzzword ; jargon
- "杰弗里因此感到有点扫兴,但他还是按照他女儿的要求做了。"Geoffrey was a little disappointed by this but he did as his daughter asked.
- 【谚】人为生而食,不为食而生。Eat to live, but not live to eat.
- [印度教]因陀罗indra
- 林先生为了出售货物而登广告。Mr. Lin advertises in order to sell the goods.
- [因病]在家不出门的housebound
- (博士学位)论文,(专题)论文,学术演讲长而正式的论文,尤指大学里由博士学位攻读者所写的论文;学位论文A lengthy, formal treatise, especially one written by a candidate for the doctoral degree at a university; a thesis.
- 【谚】凡事必有因。Every why has a wherefore.
- 约翰说他为贫困所迫而犯罪。John said he had been impelled to crime by poverty.
- (因沉船)被撇在荒岛上Be cast away on a desert island
- 50年前在教堂附近种的这棵树,最近由于被一家报纸提及而出了名。The tree planted near the church fifty years ago has had a reputation for being mentioned in a newspaper recently.
- 因此;因..之故inasmuch as; consequently
- 19世纪初,一切想使橡胶变得硬而结实的尝试都失败了。In the early nineteen century every attempt to make rubber hard and strong came to nothing.
- 汤因比肌Toynbee muscle
- 泰而登Chlorprothixene; Chlorprothixine; Tandan; Tranquilan; Truxal
- 由因推果from the cause to the effect; a priori