- 四four
- 蒙眼人hoodman
- 四眼four eyed; four eyes; four holes
- 独眼人服从了顺从的听众的命令。The one-eyed man obeyed the obedient audience's order.
- 四眼儿foureyes
- 不要吃恶眼人的饭。也不要贪他的美味。Eat thou not the bread of him that hath an evil eye, neither desire thou his dainty meats
- 四个tetrad
- 独眼人肖像Portrait of a One-Eyed Man
- 四年four years
- 四级four-stage
- 不要吃恶眼人的饭,Do not eat the bread of the stingy;
- 报人journalist
- 四国Shikoku
- 埃及人Egyptian
- 白种人white
- 四大the four elements [earth, water, fire, wind]
- 强人strong man
- 眼霜eye cream
- 人渣scouring
- 四部four-part