- 他们四目相视,微笑着,充满了坦率的快乐They looked and smiled with frank enjoyment.
- 他们四目相视,微笑着,充满了坦率的快乐They looked and smiled with frank enjoyment.
- 两位男子站着醉醺醺地怒目相视,而人群饶有趣味地看着他们。The two men stood glaring drunkenly at each other while the crowd looked on with amusement.
- 他们俩现在胸对着胸,大口喘着粗气,推推搡搡,怒目相视。They were chest to chest, breathing fiercely, pushing and glaring.
- 目item
- 黄金四目Four Golden Eyes
- 天蝎:品评食物的同时不忘向每个人索要钱财,还对抱怨的亲戚怒目相视。Scorpio: Makes visceral comments about the appearances of the food in an effort to gross everyone out and stares morosely at hated relatives.
- 我们四目交接,心领神会。Our eyes met, and we shared a cosmic moment.
- 四是fourthly
- 不相干的inconnected
- 帐目score
- 四星four stars
- 中视intermediate foresight
- 流动相moving phase
- 四不像milu
- 侧视side-glance
- 不相等unlikeness
- 四期fourth phase
- 侧目sidelong glance
- 四方形square