- 四处寻觅更好的工作的推销员Salespeople on the prowl for better jobs.
- 四处寻觅,图谋不轨的家伙a prowler up to no good.
- 这幅画的原作已无处寻觅。The original of this picture was nowhere to be found.
- 四处all over the place
- 世界上最远的距离,不是瞬间便无处寻觅,而是尚未相遇,便注定无法相聚。The furthest distance in the world is not nowhere to search in a tick after two tracks join, but doomed not to be together before they meet.
- 四处走动went about
- 四处奔跑tear around
- 在父亲找到一份好工作之前,我们一家人有五年多都在奔波,四处迁移。Our family was on the move for five years until dad found a good job.
- 四处流浪stroll
- 四处查看to sniff about
- 没有固定轨道的彗星;他生活漫无目的的;四处漂泊的流浪汉。an erratic comet; his life followed a wandering course; a planetary vagabond.
- 四处觅食的野兽beasts prowling after their prey
- 四处宣扬To make known publicly.
- 四处流浪的乐师strolling musicians
- 四处逃窜flee in all directions
- 四处张扬publicize everywhere; spread (a story) all over the place
- 在父亲找到一份好工作之前,我们一家人有五年多都在奔波,四处迁移。Our family was on the move for five year until dad found a good job.
- 四处流浪的吉普赛人strolling Gypsies
- 移动的,四处走动的Moving or walking about.
- 四处看。look about