- 嘻哈乐受年轻人喜爱.Hip hop music is popular among young people.
- 哈乐Hale (Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, China)
- 在本世纪,极限运动已成为风靡全球、深受年轻人喜爱的运动。Extreme sports has become a kind of fashionable sports and been enjoyed by young in the world.
- 他的歌带有浓烈的嘻哈色彩。His songs have a strong hip hop flavor.
- 啊哈aha
- 免受be safe from
- 重摇滚,硬核,工业,嘻哈。Heavy rock, hardcore, techno,and hip hop beats.
- 这是最受关注的地区。This is the area that attracts the most attention.
- 我喜爱壮丽的山景。I like sublime mountain scenery.
- 和你一起工作真是件乐事。It is a pleasure to work with you.
- 倍受青睐win sb.'s high favour
- 对小吉米史密斯这种少年来说,嘻哈音乐是唯一能够填补他空虚心灵的东西。For people like Jimmy Smith Jr.(Eminem), hip hop is the only thing standing between him and the void.
- 那个年轻人枪法很好。The young man shoots well.
- 得一知己乃人生一大乐事。Having a bosom friend is one of the niceties of life.
- 令人喜爱的simpatico
- 她受牙痛的折磨。She suffered tortures from a toothache.
- 他充满了年轻人的好奇。He was full of youthful curiosity.
- 你喜爱住哪一类房子?What type of house would you prefer to live in?
- 她以行善为乐事。She enjoyed the luxury of doing good.
- 他不会受贿赂。He is superior to bribery.