- 喧嚣uproariousness
- 喧嚣的knockabout
- 好动active
- 好动的孩子a restless child
- 他是个性子好动的孩子。He was a very active lad.
- 大声吵闹,喧嚣Noisy shouting or uproar.
- 这个小孩口齿伶俐,活泼好动。The child is fluent and lively.
- 他叫我一、两天内别回来,等喧嚣和动乱平息下来再说。He asked me not to come back for a day or two until the noise and commotion had settled down.
- 好动是激素的缘故He's a hormone with feet
- 她生性急燥好动。She is fidgety and restless.
- 我们听到了一阵喧嚣A din greeted our ears.
- 甚至约翰爵士和他岳母那喧嚣的快乐样子都成为有趣的。Even the boisterous mirth of Sir John and his mother-in-law was interesting.
- 那孩子生龙活虎般活泼好动。That child's a real live wire.
- 好动太多,安静不够;stir more than they can quiet;
- 他们驶出了市中心,但车来人往的喧嚣声仍在耳中回响。They drove away from the city centre, the roar of the traffic still dinning in their ears.
- 你要是好动一些也不至于这么胖!If you weren't so inactive,you wouldn't be so fat!
- 喧嚣的车马声the noise of dense traffic
- 照看兴奋好动的孩子会使人很快筋疲力尽。Looking after high-spirited children can soon wear a person down.
- 会议在一阵喧嚣声中结束。The meeting ended in clamor.
- 这个小孩口齿伶俐,活泼好动。The child is fluent and lively.