- 更多more
- 多multi-
- 喜多爷爷原本是一间大饭店的老师傅,It is originally the experienced man of a giant hotel to like many grandfathers
- 日本着名的音乐家喜多郎也在现场力挺这位年轻的歌手。Famous Japanese musician Kitaro was also on the scene to support the young star.
- 喜to be fond of
- 最多maximum
- 老歌old song
- 多个multi-
- 神奈川Kanagawa
- 更多的added
- 歌名title of the song
- 太多tanto
- 川地valley
- 歌集songbook
- 国际歌the Internationale
- 好多(adj) many
- 七喜7-up
- 歌的melic
- 喜来登Sheraton Corp.
- 多年many years