- 他善于词令,无论在讲坛上还是在议院里都如此,讲起话来清晰,准确,常常带点诙谐。He was a good speaker, both on the platform and in the House, clear, precise and often witty.
- 这一点,加上我被看成是一个妙趣横生,善于词令的讽刺家,使我在这儿成了举足轻重的人。This, and my being esteemed a jocular verbal satirist, supported my consequence in the society.
- 她是一个善于词令的女人,用不着谁来替她说好话。She was a woman of an admirable address, and wanted nobody to introduce her.
- 她是一个善于词令的女人,用不着谁来替她说好话。She was a woman of an admirable address, and wanted nobody to introduce her.
- 他善于词令,无论在讲坛上还是在议院里都如此,讲起话来清晰,准确,常常带点诙谐。He was a good speaker, both on the platform and in the House, clear, precise and often witty.
- 这一点,加上我被看成是一个妙趣横生,善于词令的讽刺家,使我在这儿成了举足轻重的人。This, and my being esteemed a jocular verbal satirist, supported my consequence in the society.
- 他善于绘画。He is apt at painting.
- 她善于应对。She is good at repartee.
- 吉姆精于摔跤而不善于拳击。他自断退路,让鲍勃选择他们打斗方式。Jim was a good wrestler but a poor boxer. He burned his boats by letting Bob choose how they would fight.
- 他善于理财。He is wise in money matters.
- 他善于学习语言。He is apt at languages.
- 这位与布什拾挡竞选副总统的候选取人是个善于笼络人心的政客。The candidate was a baby kisser when he ran for Vice President with Bush.
- 那个小孩变得善于读写。The child has become skillful in reading and writing.
- 这位演讲者无疑善于辞令。The speaker certainly has a way with a phrase.
- 这个小女孩不太善于做加法。The little girl is not very clever at addition.
- 她善于烹饪。She is adept at cooking.
- 他善于募捐。He is a good beggar.
- 狐狸因善于躲避而逃过了猎人的追逐。The fox led the hunter a merry chase.
- 他很善于自我宣传。He is a good self-publicist.
- 他善于结交朋友。He makes friends easily.