- 班长啪啪敲击宣布开会。The monitor rapped the meeting to order.
- 啪啪地撞击着门to slap against the door
- 鱼的嘴啪的一声合上了。The crocodile's jaws snapped shut.
- 旗子在风中啪啪作响。The flag slatted in the wind.
- 箱子啪地一声关上了。The box shut with a snap.
- 软啪啪的。Feeling weak after being nervous.
- 瓶塞啪的一声拔了出来。The cork came out with a loud pop.
- 数条鱼在甲板上啪啪乱跳。A number of fish were flopping on the deck.
- 光着的脚板在硬地板上啪嗒啪嗒地走。Bare feet pattered along the hard floor.
- ??啪啪的手枪声the crack of a pistol shot
- 她在走廊里哒哒啪啪地走。She pitter-pattered along the hallway.
- 啪啦crack
- 没关上的窗子在暴风雨中啪啪作响。The open window was strummed in the storm.
- 她啪地一声将门关上。She snapped the door shut.
- 职员们一听到火警就砰砰啪啪地奔下楼来。The clerks banged down the stairs at the fire alarm.
- 门在我身后啪地一声关上了。The door snapped shut behind me.
- 响尾蛇会发出啪啪的响声。The rattlesnake can produce rattling sound.
- 戴维啪地把灯开亮。David flicked on the light.
- 窗框啪啪地拍打着窗子。The curtains were flapping against the window.
- 他啪一声打了我的脸。He hit me smack in the face.