- 桃潜隐花叶类病毒RT-PCR和分子杂交检测技术的建立The estalishment of RT-PCR and molecular hybridization technique for the detection of peach laten mosaic viroid
- 桃潜隐花叶类病毒peach latent mosaic viroid
- 多层隐类结构模型Hierarchical Latent Class models
- 病毒virus
- 隐secret
- 桃潜隐花叶类病毒属pelamoviroid
- 隐类属马尔可夫随机场Hidden-class-label MRF
- 潜隐体一种处于发育阶段的疟疾寄生虫,在侵入红血细胞之前,寄生在体内组织中A malarial parasite at the stage of development in which it inhabits bodily tissue before invading the red blood cells.
- 桃树上啤酒花矮化类病毒(Hop stunt viroid)的检测及序列分析Detection and sequence analysis of Hop stunt viroid isolated from peach in China
- 啤酒花矮化类病毒Hop stunt viroid
- 潜隐hide; conceal
- 潜隐的occult
- 杏和李树啤酒花矮化类病毒的检测与序列分析Detection and Sequence Analysis of Hop stunt viroid in Apricot and Plum
- 潜隐体cryptozoite
- 类病毒viroid
- 潜隐子cryptozoite
- 类病毒子pseudoviron
- 潜隐期latent period
- 类病毒颗粒viruslike particle