- 商品交易商代表Representative of a commodity dealer
- 交易按金将约为期货合约价值的10%。The margin requirements will be approximately 10%25 of the contract value.
- 外汇按金交易的业务及监管On Business and Supervision of Foreign Exchange Cash Deposit Transaction
- 寄一张一百元的支票给我们,以作为按金。Please send us a cheque of one hundred dollars as a deposit.
- 年金rente
- 按顺序according to priority
- 沉默是金Silence is gold
- 交易商称,商品基金卖出4,000手大豆合约,3,000手豆粕合约和1,000手豆油合约。Commodity funds sold 4,000 soybean contracts, 3,000 soymeal and 1,000 soyoil, traders said.
- 按计划on schedule
- 金曲great hit
- 按日by the day
- 铂金platinum
- 商品交易商commodities dealer
- 按月monthly
- 拜金mammonish
- 按喇叭honk the horn
- 钣金panel beating
- 按要求on request
- 补偿金compensation
- 按常规by the book