- 商务部产业损害调查局关于举行不锈钢冷轧薄板反倾销期终复审案产业损害调查听证会的通知Ministry of Commerce Circular on Holding Industry Injury Investigation Hearing of Final Review on Cold - rolled Stainless Steel Sheets Anti-dumping
- 内部安全局Internal Security Department
- 对于她产业的合法继承权将有一场争论。There will be a dispute about the rightful succession to her estate.
- 机动车辆安全局BMCS = Bureau of Motor Carriers Safety
- 他已扩充他的产业。He has aggrandized his estate.
- 依州政府就业安全局Illinois Department of Employment Security, IDES
- 无继承人的产业a vacant estate
- 联合国政治安全局United Nations Department of Political and Security Council Affairs
- 其中,涉及农产品的反倾销国内产业损害调查,由商务部会同农业部进行。The anti-dumping investigation of injury to a domestic industry involving agricultural products shall be conducted by MOFCOM jointly with the Ministry of Agriculture.
- 澳大利亚海事安全局Australian Maritime Safety Authority
- 这一产业当时仍处于发展初期。The industry was still in its infancy.
- 到“国家社会安全局国土处Territorial division of the National Social Security Institute(NOI)
- 这份产业被分成了很小的一份份遗产。The estate was sliced up into very small bequests.
- 安全局宣布应予最优先考虑的Safety Board Announces Top Priorities
- 继承一份产业accede to an estate
- 非洲和马达加斯加航行安全局ASECNA Agency for the Security of Aerial Navigation in Africa and Madagascar
- 产业结构调整成效明显。Notable results were achieved in the readjustment of the industrial structure.
- 上星期美国国家高速公路安全局NHTSA, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
- 大力发展旅游业和文化产业。The tourism industry and cultural industries need to be greatly expanded.