- 电子邮件E-mail
- 当您发布任何含有您电子邮件地址的信息时,一个主要问题是多余的商业电子邮件或垃圾邮件。When you publish anything with your e-mail address in it, one major concern is unsolicited commercial e-mail, or spam.
- 邮件mail
- 电子electron
- 发送邮件sendmail
- 考虑到Spam Arrest在根除和过滤不请自来的商业电子邮件方面付出的成本和费用,您承认此赔偿是适当且合理的。You acknowledge that such remedies are appropriate and reasonable in light of the costs and expenses Spam Arrest incurs as a result of eradicating and filtering unsolicited commercial e-mail.
- 商业电子数据联通服务商务关系Commercial electronic data interchange service
- 垃圾电子邮件筛选器旨在捕获明显的未请求的商业电子邮件(通常称为“垃圾邮件”),并将它们移到专门的垃圾电子邮件文件夹。The junk e-mail filter is designed to catch obvious unsolicited commercial e-mail messages (often called "spam") and move them to a special Junk e-mail folder.
- 电子邮件地址E-mail address
- 用Microsoft Visio进行连锁商业电子商务系统的模型设计Modeling E-business System of Chain Enterprise with Microsoft Visio
- 研究可否增加智能身份证的增值功能,包括商业电子商贸方面的应用。Exploring further the inclusion of value-added applications on smart identity cards. Such additions may have commercial and e-commerce applications.
- 当然。我可以在今天下午把资料传真或寄电子邮件给你。Certainly. I can fax or E-mail that information to you this afternoon.
- 写电子邮件write an e-mail
- 如于填写表格时有任何疑问,欢迎随时致电本行商业电子理财服务热线(853)322222或向开户分行查询。If you have any problems filling in this form, please call our hotline at (853) 322222 or your account opening branch.
- 我们隐藏电子邮件地址是为了保护用户免受电子邮件收集软件和漫游器的入侵。We mask your email in an effort to protect users from email harvesting software and bots.
- 电子邮件允许网络用户彼此传送文本消息。Mail permits network users to send textual messages to each other.
- 电子邮件附件e-mail attachment
- 他们之间电子邮件讨论效率惊人。E-mail has proved to be an astonishingly efficient tool for communication.
- 我经常给在国外的朋友发电子邮件。I often send emails to my friends who are abroad.
- 你使用电子邮件吗?Do you use E-mail?