- 商业流程外包BPO
- 委外加工流程outsourcing process
- 外outside
- 流程flow
- 除熟悉商业流程外,我还精通软件开发。In addition to my knowledge of business processes, I also offer proficiency in software development.
- 委crooked
- 商业流程可执行语言BPEIMWS
- 委外consign other companies to maintenance the equipment system
- 外包epiboly
- 发改委Development and Reform Commission (abbr.)
- 商业流程执行语言BPEL4WS
- 在外outer
- 外向extroversion
- BPEL商业流程执行语言BPEL
- 国资委State Assets Administration Committee
- 外卖take-out
- 班委会class committee
- 工作流程flow of work
- 婚外extramarital
- 国家发改委National Development and Reform Committee