- 措辞温和有礼而其实是扼杀商业影片的评论one of those polite lukewarm reviews that are the kiss of death for a commercial film
- 客气而不热情的评论只会葬送一部商业影片。Polite but lukewarm reviews are the kiss of death for a commercial film.
- 影片film
- 影片的reel
- 市中心被划出供商业用。The downtown area is zoned for commercial use.
- 这是个商业银行。This is a merchant bank.
- 投影片screen sheet
- 有些人毫无商业道德。Some people have no business morals.
- 他爱看牛仔影片。He loved to see cowboy movies.
- 股票市场是商业的晴雨表。The stock market is a barometer of business.
- 年轻人对那部影片有很高的评价。That film stands high among the young.
- 在商业繁荣时期,钱流通得快。In times of prosperity money circulates quickly.
- 影片十分精彩,我完全被吸引住了。The film was so wonderful that I was completely carried away.
- 纽约商业设施齐全。New York has good shopping.
- 影片长两小时。The length of the movie is two hours.
- 新加坡,东方的商业中心。Singapore, emporium of the East.
- 这部影片取得了巨大的成功。The film was a huge success.
- 着手一项新的商业embark upon a new business undertaking
- 她主演过大约三十部影片。She has starred in some thirty films.
- 商业颇不景气。Business is at rather a low ebb.