- 垃圾堆中崛起的商业帝国Business Empire Grows From Piles of Trash
- 提供精湛绝伦多样产品,打造您梦幻商业帝国。Presentation plentiful and exquisite production to help build your business.
- 帝国empire
- 只有一个人的连撬滑雪队; 建立一个独裁的商业帝国A one-man bobsled team; built a one-man business empire.
- 变形金刚:时髦玩具筑造的商业帝国。Transformers: The fashionable toys buildup commercial empire.
- 他满足于站在一旁,看妻子一步步地建立起一个成功的商业帝国。He was content to watch from the sidelines as his wife built up a successful business empire.
- 帝国的Caesarean
- 市中心被划出供商业用。The downtown area is zoned for commercial use.
- 帝国大厦the Empire State Building
- 这是个商业银行。This is a merchant bank.
- 只有一个人的连撬滑雪队;建立一个独裁的商业帝国A one-man bobsled team; built a one-man business empire.
- 有些人毫无商业道德。Some people have no business morals.
- 第三帝国Third Reich
- 股票市场是商业的晴雨表。The stock market is a barometer of business.
- 奥匈帝国austria-hungary
- 在商业繁荣时期,钱流通得快。In times of prosperity money circulates quickly.
- 大英帝国british empire
- 纽约商业设施齐全。New York has good shopping.
- 新加坡,东方的商业中心。Singapore, emporium of the East.
- 日不落帝国United Kingdom