- 我不能肯定地说我的哪一种动机最强,但我知道哪一个目标我必须遵循。I cannot say with certainty which of my motives are the strongest, but I know which of them deserve to be followed.
- 当你为一部微计算机编写程序时,你应当决定存储器的哪一部分是作为程序存储器。When you write a program for a micro-computer you decide which part of memory becomes program memory.
- 我不知道是哪一出但是有一场综艺节目。I don't know which one, but there is a game show out there.
- 而当风起的时候我也只不管紧一紧衣裾护住我那仍在低唱的心不让秋来偷听。When wind blows all of a sudden, O, my dress will have to tighten. Protecting my heart still chanting, In case autumn is eavesdropping.
- 你最喜欢那出戏中的哪一部分?Which part of the play did you like best?
- 大卫不知道迈克尔杰·克逊唱的歌在哪盘磁带上,因此他就无目的地听着。David didn't know which cassette had the songs by Michael Jackson, so he began playing the record, trying the cassette hit-or-miss.
- 这些年轻人的表演成功,把一出枯燥的戏剧演得有声有色。The performances of these young people succeeded in bringing a dull play to life.
- 这药物对脑的哪一部分有效?On which part of the brain does this medicine act?
- 我唱了么?是的,我唱了。我不记得词了。只有一段我幼年时经常唱的还记的。KURT: Did I sing? Yes, I did. I don't know the words. One of the only singles I can remember from my childhood that I used to cry to.
- 你住在城里的哪一部分?Which part of the town do you live in?
- 去年,在另一出戏里,她穿着短袜和显眼的桔黄色的长裙。Last year in another play, she had to wear short socks and a bright, orange-coloured dress.
- 苏伊士地峡位于世界的哪一部分?In which part of the world is the Isthmus located?
- 他说:“听到一首好歌,大家自然而然就会想知道是谁唱的。" When you hear a great song, you trace it back to who the singer is," he says.
- 盒子的哪一头有开口?Which end of the box has the opening?
- 《新妇女》是一出生气勃勃的戏,一出显然符合时代潮流的戏。We have in The New Women a live play,a play which is distinctly in the movement.
- 你们用灌木的哪一部分?What part of the bush do you use?
- 有些歌曲是我课间在心里唱的,有些歌曲是在这一天放学铃声响起时我想唱的。There are songs that I sing in my head between classes and songs that I want to sing when the school bell rings by the end of the day.
- 你最喜欢和球迷的哪一次会面?His favourite meeting with a supporter?
- 如果剧本根本不好,你就是哗众取宠,也不能把它变成一出成功的好戏。If the play is intrinsically bad, you will never turn it into a success by camping it up.
- 哥伦比亚的哪一部分?Which part of Colombia?