- 唯恐冒犯他人.be wary of giving offence
- 没有犯罪或冒犯他人a state or condition of being innocent of a specific crime or offense
- 没有犯罪或冒犯他人。a state or condition of being innocent of a specific crime or offense.
- 说话太直率的人 很容易冒犯他人.People who are too straightforward in speech easily offend others.
- 我肯定他那样说的时候并不想冒犯他人。I'm sure he meant no offense.
- 唯恐lest
- 怀著大胆冒犯他人的性格,而自我招摇地显示出一股自夸自大无礼的行为.Characterised by offensive boldness; and displaying ostentatiously an insolence or impertinence air of self-satisfied superiority in matters of taste.
- 唯恐天下不乱be eager for the fray
- (对他人的)影响(力)Influence over other people
- 他唯恐失掉自己的财产。He is jealous of his possessions.
- 如果你在主张自己的权利时没有冒犯他人的权利,这种果敢自信就是正当的。You are being legitimately assertive when you stand up for your rights in such a way that the rights of others are not violated.
- 他人的others'
- 他那直率的行为冒犯了某些人。His forthright behavior offends some people.
- “一般威胁侵犯他人身体罪”常常作为并非是严重威胁侵犯他人身体罪进行使用。The term "common assault" is frequently used for any assault which is not an aggravated assault.
- 他的行为冒犯了公认的礼貌规范。His behavior offends the canons of good manners.
- 同行者,同伴雇用以帮助他人、与他人生活在一起或一起旅行的人A person employed to assist, live with, or travel with another.
- 你最好是不去冒犯他。You would be wise enough not to offend him.
- 要考虑到他人的需要。Be mindful of the needs of others.
- 无意的冒犯an unconscious slight
- 那杂志盗用了版权为他人所有的素材。That magazine usurped copyrighted material.