- 如果明天他说他将永远爱你,你是会非常开心,还是会避之唯恐不及地跑掉?If he declared undying love for you tomorrow, would you be happy or run as fast as your legs would carry you?
- 唯恐不乱be eager for the fray
- 那两个歹徒似乎唯恐不乱。The two gangsters seem to be eager for the fray.
- 他们在数量上肯定不及社会民主党人。They are certainly outnumbered by the Social Democrats.
- 好主意。这是评估的真正意义所在。我等不及要去试一试了。Mr. Lee: Great idea. And after all, that's the whole point of an evaluation. I almost can't wait to give it a try.
- 一部分不及物实义动词与形容词搭配构成主动形式被动意义句型。Some intransitive notional verbs plus adjectives form the sentence patterns, which are active in form but passive in meaning.
- 你对这类事总是唯恐躲之不及。You recoiled away from anything of the sort.
- 说来也奇怪,葛擂硬先生在这个时候,反而不及他女儿那样镇静。Strange to relate, Mr. Gradgrind was not so collected at this moment as his daughter was.
- 另一方面,应该承认在技术和兵员教养的程度上,现时我们不及敌人。On the other hand,it must be admitted that for the present we are inferior to the enemy in technical equipment and in troop training.
- 这幅画不及我昨天所看到的那幅画。This painting does not come up to the one I saw yesterday.
- 帆布:美装订用的厚布。较普通的布耐用,但不及“书面布”的结实。Canvas: Thick book-binders' cloth having greater durability than ordinary cloth but not so strong as buckram.
- 至少有十个男孩在考试结果中不及阿里。There are at least ten boys to fail to reach inside in the examination result.
- 比较之下,他不及其他同时代的人伟大He suffers By comparison with his greater contemporary
- 他在舞台上总是不及在电台上表演得成功。He never came across as well on the stage as on radio.
- 二百二十二个白昼终不及这深邃的夜晚像那诗篇中的精华再也无需千言万语Two hundred twenty - two days of light Will be desired by a night A moment for the poet's play Until there's nothing left to say
- 他这样兴奋,以至等不及这消息了。He was so keyed up that he couldn't wait for the news.
- 我知道太早了,但我实在等不及了。I know it's too early,but I just can't wait any longer.
- 这座建筑物并不比那一座差,只是远不及那座大。This building is not inferior to that one but nothing near so large.
- "啊,地狱着了火,我可等不及了!""Hell's afire, I can't wait!"
- 太好了!走吧,妈妈。我等不及了。Great! Let's go, Mum. I can't wait.