- 唐Tang dynasty (618-907)
- 恬not care at all
- 唐装traditional Chinese garments (clothing); Tang suit
- 恬不知耻devoid of any sense of shame
- 唐人Chinese
- 唐氏综合症Down's syndrome
- 恬逸自满self-satisfied with quietness and indolence
- 唐氏综合征down syndrome
- 恬澹自甘To be calm and frugal willingly
- 她恬不知耻。She is completely without shame.
- 二十年代唐在波士顿工作。Don worked in Boston in the twenties.
- 他真是恬不知耻。He has no sense of shame at all.
- 唐宋八大家eight prose masters of the Tang-Song period
- 你这种恬不知耻、疯狂,既可怜又可恨的狂妄态度究竟有什么根据呢?On what foundation does your bold, mad, pitiable, and execrable arrogance rest?
- 北唐Beitang
- 挨骂还恬不知耻brazen out a scolding
- 唐被委任为该项工程的总工程师。Don was appointed chief engineer of the project.
- 地尔硫卓,硫氮卓酮,合心爽,哈氮卓,恬尔心CRD-401
- 保罗带领表妹唐娜出发去哥伦比亚的一个偏远地区徒步旅行。Paul had taken his cousin Donna on a long trek through a remote part of Colombia.
- 地尔硫卓,硫氮卓酮,恬尔心,合心爽,哈氮卓Altiazem