- 哥儿俩一起工作.The brothers work in double harness.
- 和你一起工作真是件乐事。It is a pleasure to work with you.
- 在一起in harness
- 和你们一起工作我很高兴。I enjoy working with you.
- 和他在一起工作是一项殊荣。It was a privilege to work with him.
- 有人认为丈夫和妻子决不应在一起工作。Some people think that husband and wife never work together.
- CORBA事务处理服务能与微软公司的事务处理一起工作吗?Do the CORBA transaction service and Microsoft transactions work together?
- 保罗喜欢和大家一起工作,了解大家的意见,也让大家了解他的意见。Paul likes working with people, bouncing off people, and having them bounce off him.
- 晚饭后,他们围着桌子坐下,一起工作。After supper they gathered around the table and worked together.
- 我喜欢和约翰一起工作,因为他性情沉着稳重。I like working with John because he's so calm and equable.
- 我感觉和你一起工作很幸福。I feel it very happy to work with you.
- 你怎么让她和我们一起工作?How do you herd her with us working?
- 他和他的朋友们一起工作。He works with his friends.
- 她单独工作比跟她姊姊一起工作来得更好。She works better alone than when she is with her sister.
- 一起工作cooperancy
- 她嫁给老板后,便瞧不起曾同她在一起工作的女职员了。When she married the boss,she looked down on the office girls she had worked with.
- 为了共同的目标和他人一起工作的合作人。an associate who works with others toward a common goal.
- 哥儿俩一起工作。The brothers work in double harness.
- 一起工作的synactic
- 夫妇一起工作run in double harness