- 哥伦比亚已动荡的历史.Colombia has had a turbulent history.
- 已完成off the stocks
- 动荡的历史时期a turbulent period of history
- 玛雷:唔.....当然啦。您知道,我滑雪的历史已有十二年之久。我滑雪可是一流的。Ms. Murray: Uhm... of course. You know, I've skied for twelve years, I'm the best.
- 他出生在那个动荡的历史时期。He was born in that turbulent period of history.
- 我们伟大的祖国已站在更高的历史起点,迈上新的辉煌征程。Our great motherland already stands at a higher historic point of departure as it sets out on a more glorious long march.
- 人类创作音乐已有数千年历史。Men have been making music for thousands of years.
- 芜湖职业技术学院建设国家示范性职业技术学院的历史与现实History and Reality of the Construction of One of the National Demonstrating Professional Technology Colleges in Wuhu Professional Technology College
- 原产于美洲西印度群岛及墨西哥湾区,引入香港的历史不详。A species native to the West Indies and Gulf of Mexico, the history of its introduction is not known.
- 在简短的历史回顾之后,我们叙述物理操作和化学操作方面的应用。After a very brief historical survey we look at applications to physical operations and to chemical operations.
- 主要街道两旁成排粗壮大树已有上百年的历史。The main streets tend to be lined with sturdy trees planted before living memory.
- 在他的书中,他只约略地提到新政府面对的困境,就往下谈这个国家的历史。In his book he only glances at the difficulties of the new government before passing on to the history of the country.
- 雕刻家从事浮雕已有数千年的历史。Sculptors have carved figures in relief for thousands of years.
- 目前这个时期是我们党和我们国家的历史上的一个重大转折时期。The current period represents a momentous turning point in the history of our Party and state.
- 这些珠宝在我们家代代相传已有好几百年的历史了。These jewels have been passed down in our family from generation to generation for hundreds of years.
- 如若一棵树能写出自传,那必将无异于一部种族的历史。Should a tree write its autobiography it would not be unlike the history of a race.
- 端午节已有两千多年的历史。The tradition of the Dragon Boat Festival started more than 2000 years ago.
- 回顾香港经济发展的历史,是香港人不断适应新的变化环境,成功接受各项新挑战的历史。The history of Hong Kong's economic development is a history of Hong Kong people's continuous adaptation to the changing environment and their success in coping with new challenges.
- 泰山已有250万年的历史了。Mountain Tai is 2. 5 million years old.
- 因为它把耶稣的心带进去了,看看基督教信仰的历史,它带来了教育,带来了极奇妙的事。You look at the history of the Christian faith and it brought education. It brought the great wonders out of which today we enjoy the benefits.