- 话language
- 的话if
- 会话conversation
- 广东话Cantonese
- 他俩是安危与共的好哥们儿。They are the kind of friends who can share what they have, in both good and bad times.
- 我昨天晚上跟我的哥们儿出去了。I went out with my buddies last night.
- 句话language
- 弗兰克,老哥们儿,好几个月没见你了。Frank, you old son of a gun,I haven't seen you for months.
- 中国话Chinese
- 你真够哥们儿,都自身难保了还想着别人。You really deserve to be called a true friend, still thinking of others while you are in trouble.
- 这样的话this way
- 他们是好朋友,就像一荚子豆(铁哥们儿)。They are very good friends and like peas in a pod.
- 听话的persuasible
- 我们俩是铁哥们儿,他有困难我一定会帮忙的。We are very close friends and whenever he has difficulties, I'll help him out.
- 噢,哥们儿,恭喜你,听起来你好象找到了你的另一半儿了。Man.Congratulations.Sounds like you've found your soul mate.
- 如果可以的话,我想提一个问题。I'd like to ask a question if I may.
- 最后一句话last word
- 上海话Shanghai native language
- 固话fixed line
- 说不出话来speechless