- 波特baud
- 哈利Harley
- 为什么我用过的两根魔杖都在对付哈利·波特的时候失败了?Why did both the wands I have used fail when directed at Harry Potter?
- "你因为有着那样的愿望,哈利,所以才发生那样的想法。""Thy wish was father, Harry, to that thought."
- 波特:你喜欢?Potter: You like it?
- 当大宗付款到来时,波特先生的合伙人拒不告诉他,准备独吞。Mr.Porter's partner held out on him when the big payment came in.
- 哈利希望以律师为业。Harry expects to follow the profession of lawyer.
- (电信)波特发报、数据传输速率单位,每秒传输一个比特A unit of speed in data transmission usually equal to one bit per second.
- 哈利计划好好度周末。Harry has a big weekend on.
- 波特:说什么?Potter: My point?
- 哈利病Harley's disease
- 波特病Pott's disease
- 波特码Baudot code
- 波特氏弯曲angular curvature
- (电信)波特发报、数据传输速率单位,每秒传输一个比特A unit of speed in data transmission usually equal to one bit per second.
- 波特骨折Pott's fracture
- 波特模型potts model
- 波特氏征Porter's sign
- 波特速率Baud rate
- 最终的传输速率是110波特。The resulting transfer rate is 110 baud.