- 鼻咽nasopharynx
- 颔chin
- 咽痛angina
- 颔首nod
- 咽部pharyngeal portion
- 咽的pharyngeal
- 他微微颔首示意.He intimated his wishes with a slight nod of his head.
- 细嚼慢咽chew carefully and swallow slowly; chew one's food well before swallowingit
- 将病灶作广泛性切除,是成功治疗下颔骨软骨肉瘤的重点。Wide surgical resection of the primary lesion is the definite treatment.
- 颔首微笑to nod smilingly
- 考试不及格是一服难咽的苦药。Failing the exam was a hard dose to swallow.
- 他用手叉着下颔。He held his chin in his hand.
- 咽拭子throat swab
- 咽学对咽和其疾病的医疗研究The medical study of the pharynx and its diseases.
- 咽口水swallow
- 咽峡isthmus of fauces
- 咽动脉arteria pharyngea
- 咽囊pharyngeal pouch
- 咽扁桃体pharyngeal tonsils
- 鼻咽部pharynx nasalis