- 不然,让他持住我的能力,使他与我和好。愿他与我和好。Or let him take hold of my strength, that he may make peace with me; and he shall make peace with me.
- 他以为那都是游苔莎正站在那轻声低语地说她想要和好。He fancied that they were Eustacia, standing there and breathing wishes of reconciliation.
- 外教foreign teacher
- 每次吵架之后孩子们很快就会和好。After each quarrel the children are soon reconciled.
- 让我们携手和好吧。Let us join hands in friendship.
- 我们俩争吵后同意和好。We both agreed to make our peace after arguing.
- 让我们忘掉过去的歧见,和好如初吧。Let's forget about our disagreements and be friends again.
- 这对兄弟反目成仇了几年后终于和好了。The two brothers have finally patched up their quarrel after years of bitter animosity.
- 若他们被丢弃,天下就得与上帝和好;他们被收纳,岂不是死而复生吗?For if their rejection is the reconciliation of the world, what will their acceptance be but life from the dead?
- 一个好争论和好争吵的水手。an argumentative and contentious seaman.
- 弟兄结怨,劝他和好,比取坚固城还难。这样的争竞,如同坚寨的门闩。A brother offended is harder to be won than a strong city: and their contentions are like the bars of a castle.
- 他跟她和好了吗?Has he made it up with her yet?
- 弗兰克主动接近杰克希望能重新和好。Frank made the first advances towards making up his quarrel with Jack.
- 他们和好了。They are reconciled with each other again.; They are on good terms again.
- 好的休息和好的饮食会使你强壮起来的。A good rest and good food will set you up.
- 让我们言归和好。Let us forgive and forget.
- 幸福的途径是不计前嫌的,是主动和好的。The way to be happy is to let go,and reach out.
- 把和好的面揉成一团。Shape the dough into a ball.
- 罗5:11不但如此、我们既藉著我主耶稣基督、得与神和好、也就藉著他、以神为乐。And not only this, but we also exult in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have now received the reconciliation.
- 结果她想跟我和好.It turns out she wants to get back together with me.