- 命运把我们连在一起了.Destiny drew us together.
- 命运把我们连在一起.Destiny brought us together.
- 命运把我们连在一起了。Destiny drew us together.
- 丧偶的共同命运把他和布洛斯连在一起了。It had drawn him and Bloggs together, this common bereavement.
- 把工资高与劳动力短缺联系在一起了Loud rejoicings after the victory
- 永恒的友谊把我们连在一起。A lasting friendship binds us together.
- 敌军试图把我们的战士困在包围圈里,但我们成功地撤了出来。The enemy troops tried to surround our soldiers in a tight ring,but we backed away successfully.
- 命运把他们聚在一起了。Fate had thrown them together.
- 我们走了一条比通常要长的路来的。We came by a longer route than usual.
- 莱锐中创软件把我们连在了一起Larry R. Symes CVIC SE Linking Us Together
- 命运把他们联系在一起。Fate has hurled them together.
- 如果我们能在人们来就座之前摆好椅子,我们就能提前一些了。If we can set up chairs faster than people come and sit in them,we'll be a few ahead.
- 九、不要疑心病太重,要感激还愿意留在你身边的人,免得最后连他也走了!Don't be skeptical to others too much, be grateful to the person who left around you, otherwise, he will go away from you too eventually.
- 平行线在远处看上去似交合在一起。The parallels seem to come together in the distance.
- 敌人的行动根本是“项庄舞剑,意在沛公”,蒙蔽不了我们。The enemy acted in order to disguise a threat, but we are not going to buy it.
- 我们将聚集一起协调分歧。We will get together to concert our differences.
- 紧挨在一起的房子houses built in close proximity to each other
- 我们把每个盘子放在餐具垫上。We put each dish on a place mat.
- 我们调查的重点在于确定:犯罪集团在“遗产案”中扮演了何种角色。Part and parcel of our investigation is to determine what role organized crime played in the Heritage affairs.
- 和某人居住在一起take up one's residence with a person