- 宿命foreordination
- 木虫carpenter worm
- 要命(v) cause sb to die
- 实木solid wood
- 木的xylary
- 修修补补将就make do amd mend
- 木糖醇xylitol
- 安非他命amphetamine
- 我不会计较,只会对你姑息将就。I shall let it pass and horribly spoil you.
- 木槿hibiscus
- 命理fate
- 我不会计较,只会对你姑息将就。I shall let it pass and horribly spoil you.
- 榉木beech
- 长命longevity
- 这次人代会将就修宪问题展开讨论。This People's Congress will discuss the matter of the revision of the constitution.
- 木村wood
- 将就代用的帐篷解决了他们的问题。The makeshift tent answered their purpose.
- 宿命的fateful
- 木托wooden block
- 美佛州最高法院将就戈尔的上诉举行听证会Florida Supreme Court agrees to hear Gore appeal