- 纳垢容量contaminant holding capacity
- 他的一个传信人一直旅行到了南面很远的在葡萄牙统治下的藏污纳秽的澳门。One of his messengers travelled as far south as the evil little Portuguess city of Macao.
- 滤油器纳垢容量contaminant-holding capacity of oil filter
- 含to keep
- 纳to accept
- 污smuttiness
- 许多人 ... 都不喜欢伯明翰,他们只知道它是个藏圬纳垢的城市,大部分的假钱都是从那里来的。Most people ... cared nothing about Birmingham, which they had heard of only as a dirty place where most of the bad pennies(Brummagem buttons) come from.
- 含水watery
- 改善项目涵盖了平整道路、增设路灯、沿线绿化、截污纳管、沿街建筑立面整治,沿街住宅平改坡、店招店牌梳理、广告整治、多杆合一、城市家具更新等十多项之多。The renovation project covers more than ten jobs including road leveling, addition of road side lamps, afforestation along roads, sewage removal and pipe laying, three-dimensional rectification for street side buildings, flat-to-slope modification for street side residential buildings, tidy-up of shop signs and posts, advertisement clean-up, combination of multi-posts to one and city furniture renewal etc.
- 含税价格price including tax
- 脏污sully
- 垢dirt
- 富含be rich in
- 含水率water ratio
- 结垢scale formation
- 去污decontamination
- 含油oiliness
- 纳什Nash
- 沾污sully
- 内含include