
[pǐ jí tài lái]




否极泰来 [pǐ jí tài lái]
  • - Out of the depth of misfortune comes bliss.; After a storm comes a calm.; After extreme bad luck, comes good luck.; As a matter of reality extremes in fortune and misfortune would find their own mean.; Every cloud has a silver lining.; Extremes meet.; Extremes would find their own mean.; It is so bad that it must soon become [get] better.; Something good follows an utter evil.; The darkest hour is just before the dawn.; The extreme of adversity is the beginning of prosperity.; The good emerges when the evil has reached its extreme.; When ill luck reaches its limit, good luck comes in.; When misfortune reaches its limit, prosperity comes.; When misfortune reaches the limit, good fortune is at hand.; When one is at his worst luck, it is time for good luck to appear.; When the worse comes to the worst, it is likely that events would take a new turn.; When things are at their worst, they begin to mend.



  1. 雨过天晴;否极泰来。
    After rain comes fair weather.
  2. 【谚】否极泰来。
    After a storm comes a calm.


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