- 向某人挑战进行决斗.challenge sb to a duel
- 我向他挑战进行决斗。I challenge him to a duel.
- 向某人挑战要求决斗to challenge sb to a duel
- 向某人挑战to offer battle to someone
- 我们的孙孩儿会用鼓槌进行决斗Our grandkids fighting duels with drumstick swords
- 那些父亲们向儿子们挑战进行赛跑。The fathers challenged the sons to a race.
- 要求和某人进行决斗来解决争端Call out sb. to settle a dispute
- 向某人深深一鞠躬make a profound reverence to somebody
- 英国外交部长强烈要求针对全球挑战进行合作British Foreign Secretary Urges Cooperation for Global Challenges
- 向某人致歉to present one's apologies to someone
- 本文对我国商业银行会计风险的特点和商业银行传统的会计核算模式面临的挑战进行了阐述。This article illustrated the characteristics of our country's accounting risks in commercial banks and the challenges of traditional accounting way.
- 应向某人致歉to owe someone regrets
- 向某人请教to seek advice from somebody
- 向某人下跪kneel to sb.
- 向某人表示祝贺offer one's congratulations to sb.
- 向某人点头致意to nod at someone
- 向某人扔石子to sling stones at somebody
- 向某人射冷枪to snipe at somebody
- 向某人致敬。Pay one's respects to sb.
- 絮聒不休地向某人讲一个想法din an idea into one's ears