- 吐司toasted bread
- 司company
- 把面包放在拷架下准备做早饭吃的吐司。Put the bread under the grill to make the toast for breakfast.
- 吐to spit
- 她在吐司上抹了一点黄油。She put a dab of butter on the toast.
- 寿司sushi
- 吐痰expectoration
- 吐出spue
- 祭司priest
- 想吐keck
- 司库treasurer
- 披萨,含有义式香肠。汉堡,夹有起司。Pizza, hold the pepperoni. A burger, hold the cheese.
- 吐口水spit
- 贝司bass
- 随地吐痰spit everywhere; spit on the floor
- 沙司sauce
- 番茄和起司是披萨的主要材料。Tomatoes and cheese are the main ingredients of pizza.
- 蔡司Zeiss
- 他把蜂蜜浇在吐司上。He laved honey on his toast.
- 蒂娜·莫尔已经好几个月没有吃过一口面包圈、尝过一片烤吐司了。It has been months since Tina Moore last bit into a bagel or a slice of toast.