- 后金融危机时代Post-Financial Crisis Era
- 后queen
- 后的posticus
- 亚洲金融危机后的思考Some Thoughts after the Financial Crisis in Asia
- 而在亚洲金融危机开始时,取代经济增长的是混乱和经济低迷。Chaos and an economic downturn have followed this development in the wake of the Asian Financial Crisis.
- 金融危机期间股价骤跌。Stock prices dived during the financial crisis.
- 政治/金融危机a political/financial crisis
- 金融危机速写A Sketch of Financial Crises
- 我们在金融危机中损失惨重。We suffered huge losses in the financial crisis.
- 经济全球化与我国经济安全问题研究--东南亚金融危机再思考Study of Global Economy and the Problem of Economic Security in Our Nation --Rethink of the Financial Crisis in the Southeast Asia
- 但是假若环境发生改变,中国将变得更容易受到金融危机的打击。But it will become increasingly susceptible to financial crises if and when conditions change.
- 金融危机传染contagion of financial crisis
- 全球金融危机global financial crisis
- 金融危机理论financial crisis theory
- 金融危机影响impact of financial crisis
- 世界金融危机world financial crisis
- 美国金融危机American Financial Crisis
- 金融危机根源the root of financial crisis
- 金融危机预警warning of financial crises
- 极其严重的金融危机a financial crisis of mammoth proportions