- 长江后浪催前浪,世上新人赶旧人。Just as the waves of the Yangtze River behind drive on those ahead, so does each new generation replace the old one.
- 人声就象海潮般的前浪催着后浪,大家都撇着点嘴批评,都有些失望:就是这么个小猴子呀!The crowd surged back and forth, everyone pursed their lips and commented in disappointment, what, a skinny monkey like this?
- 波浪翻滚着冲着它的脚涌来,绽出许许多多浪峰,每逢第九个,浪头就碎裂开来,四下里迸溅着。从远处,从更远的地方,后浪推着前浪。They serpented towards his feet, curling, unfurling many crests, every ninth, breaking, plashing, from far, from farther out, waves and waves.
- 后queen
- 前previous
- 后浪骨seat seam
- 我要赶前完成这项任务。I want to finish the task ahead of time.
- 前浪缐步不平均。Garment have uneven stitching width at front rise.
- 赶前不赶后it's better to hurry at the beginning than to rush at the last moment
- 后的posticus
- 后浪尺寸比容忍度1/4”到3/4”,应该在大货生产中该正。2 Back rise measurement out of tolerance 1/4" to 3/4", should be corrected in bulk production.
- 前的prevenient
- 大浪surge
- 赶不上can't keep up with
- 赶出extrusion
- 天后the Queen of heaven
- 浪琴Longines; vibraphone
- 前几天the other day
- 后天day after tomorrow
- 无风不起浪there must be a cause or reason for this